Sunday, February 27, 2011

Poker Run

Has anyone been using Good Search? Yes!! We have made over $1 with people searching the internet using Good Search. So that means that people have been using it! How awesome is that? If you haven't been please do so. Whenever you search the internet use Good Search and it will give the foundation a penny. In fact, if 100 people do 2 searches a day for a year, it can raise $730. If you download their toolbar then it will also let you know what stores participate with Good Shop. I shopped at Target the other day and earned $2 for the foundation. Super easy!

The Columbia walk will be moved to next year. There is so much going on and with all the snow and inclement weather I have not been able to contact people in Columbia to get the ball rolling. The alternative? A poker run! I am super excited because it seems like not only a great way to raise awareness and raise funds for Hold My Heart but it will also be a great way to witness.

I will post more as I get more details together. Right now it is in the very beginning stages and we are trying to get sponsors for the event. It should be relatively low cost which is great but we do need prizes. Providing lunch or some snacks would also be awesome. If you have any ideas or would like to help please email me at We would appreciate any help!

GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

An Easy Way to Raise Money

Our foundation relies on donations to help our families. However, donations have slowed down for us. While we have plans in the future to help raise awareness and funds, here is a super easy way to raise money for our foundation. All you have to do is go to and search for Hold My Heart Foundation on the home page. Anytime you search the internet please use Good Search. Every search (with some restrictions) earns us money. How awesome and easy is that? It is powered by Yahoo, so it won't compromise your search results. And if you like to shop, Good Shop gives us a portion of whatever you shop for online.

Please support us by using Good Search. The more money we raise the more families we can help!

GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!